2 Game Deal


Get 2 boxes of Dice Fights for only $45!

3 Game Deal


Get 3 boxes of Dice Fights for only $65!

Dice Fights

SKU: 1

Fight to the death in a battle of dice!

Dice Fights + Playmats


One box of Dice Fights, and two custom playmats to make game play even smoother. Total retail value of $68

Dice Fights Playmat

SKU: 2

This customized Dice Fights Playmat is a 14” x 22” mat designed to help you play Dice Fights. This sleek gray mat will muffle the sound of the dice when rolled and help create boundaries when playing the game.

Toddler Tumbler


Our Newest product! Give your toddlers their own tumbler, so they can be “Just Like You.” Your order comes with a bent metal straw and comes in 4 colors; purple, red, pink, and blue. Just

Woodstock Games Sticker


3” x 3” Sticker

Get some decal to represent! Prove that you have one of these and you will get $5 off any Woodstock Games, Games.

Puzzles by Woodstock Games coming soon